PDSView allows you to display and convert Schlumberger PDS files into GIF, CGM, TIFF or PostScript format. Besides that, it has many drawing tools to make annotations on image files: you can insert lines, arrows, rectangles, text pieces, callout boxes, and insert vertical crop marks. You can edit lines' colors, fill colors, text colors, line thicknesses, and arrow head styles. The drawing objects can be placed in the foreground or background. The program only includes the Helvetica font, but you can select a different font size or change the font width.
In order to utilize the program, just open a desired PDS file and it will be displayed in the main window. Then you can make the annotations with the drawing tools by clicking on appropriate buttons. You can zoom in and zoom out, or view the image in the original PDS image width, clicking on the Display menu and selecting the "zoom/width" option. The image files also can be printed. To save an image in a different format click on the File menu/save as, and select an option.
Operating systems supported: Windows 2000 SP5, Windows XP SP2 and higher. Also Acrobat Distiller is required for PDF conversion.
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